Nuestros aditivos son de origen vegetal y sirven para la recuperación del fresado o realizar pequeñas reparaciones en el asfalto.
De esta manera, se recupera una materia prima valiosa para una nueva vida útil (bacheo y rehabilitación de servicios afectados), evitando que su fin de ciclo acabe en vertederos. Nuestro propósito es contribuir con la protección del medioambiente, la economía circular y la conservación de nuestro planeta.

Ambar KP-20 is a 100% ecological additive for the recovery of RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement). It is mixed 100% on cold milled asphalt, restoring part of the properties lost due to ageing. In this way, a valuable raw material is recovered for a new useful life (patching and rehabilitation of affected services), preventing its end-of-cycle from ending up in landfills.
Brunus-KD7 is an organic additive for the production of semi-hot asphalts with cold application. It is manufactured at 110ºC – 130ºC, resulting in significant energy savings.

CITRINA DT-8 is an organic additive that improves lubricity, for the creation of bituminous asphalt mixtures, manufactured and applied at a reduced temperature, between 30ºC to 45ºC less than other asphalts. Developed with the aim of achieving a finished product that can be used in the construction of new roads.